With Linus surrendering to the forces that will consume Linux, it’s time to rethink a few things and make some decisions now that could save our nerd bacon, at least locally. This
You did it. You studied the models, talked to friends, dug into online forums and picked the handgun you liked the best, found a deal you liked and now have joined the ranks of men. Now what? In some ways
Observe, Orient, Decide, Act To call Colonel John Boyd just a “military strategist” is akin to calling Julius Caesar just a “Roman general”. Colonel Boyd redefined the concept we use in thinking
https://www.amazon.com/Blade-Tech-Holster-Revolution-Appendix-available/dp/B00VIUVSV6 N.B.: We get nada from Blade-Tech. I’ve been using this holster for several months now. For the price, it’s fantastic. It’s not going to win awards for being the most comfortable
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance
Unless you have been living under a rock and not reading our website, you know things are heating up in the war for America’s soul. Currently, antifa is marching openly against common decency,
There are lot of books that have shaped the West, for better or ill. The Ancient Greeks unknowingly laid a foundation that we still are using today. You can’t toss a lyre
Honest, integrity, and character have all been nearly lost in this benighted era. There are very few people in the public eye that exhibit any of those characteristics. When in expressed in
First, a brief primer on what is Gamergate. Deep breath. Here we go. It started out when it was becoming obvious crappy games were being lauded in the gaming industry press because
As Europe slowly sinks under the rising tide of Muslims, we’re constantly told two things. Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Islamophobia will cause more terrorists and terror attacks. This is
I know what you are thinking already, “Isn’t Google an evil empire in cahoots with the CIA and NSA to spy on us?” Yes. Welcome to the 21st Century Panopticon. We’re going
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