The Mandelbrot Set What struck me was how in C.S. Lewis’s final book for Narnia, there was something very much like the Mandelbrot set. I won’t quote the entire chapter but here
We have already addressed the difference between the True Abrahamic Religion of Sacramental Trinitarian Christianity and the Ba’al and Molech worshipping satanic religion of Judaism. We have already spoken about the difference
Here is our periodic reminder that we do have MOTW gear for yourself or others. None of us here make one red dime from these products. Every penny goes to pay for
Editor’s Note: Longtime reader, Darrel Sipes, shares this with us. Originally written for a friend, he thought we could all benefit, and we agree. This is to address the ridiculous notion that
I don’t know about you, but events of the past couple months haven’t put me in any less of a prepping mood than when the COVID-19 panic began almost a year ago.