The Perversion Of Language

August 29, 2020
1 min read

Words mean things. Rational discourse is impossible when both sides do not agree on the definitions of words. Yet the American left has been perverting the meanings of words to serve their goal of tearing down the fabric of our country.

Brian Almon is a writer and entrepreneur. In addition to Men of the West, you can find his work at The Gem State Chronicle and The National Pulse.

Brian lives with his wife and children in Idaho.

Follow Brian on Gab and Telegram.


  1. That is one of the reasons I have an actual paper OED, that specific full-sized edition you have pictured above. It’s fascinating what I come across when I look through it.

    • I just watched the movie The Professor and the Madman about the making of the OED. I read that book many years ago, and was glad to see it made into a film. THey did an OK job on it.

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