Editor’s note: The following is extracted from Verses, by Hilaire Belloc (published 1916). The Death and Last Confession of Wandering Peter by Hilaire Belloc When Peter Wanderwide was young He wandered everywhere
I’m fixing to debag a few cats. Feminists. Gays. Minorities. Listen up, folks. No one else loves you enough to tell ya this stuff… It is a perceived modern truism that fear
A cynical political strategy misses the biggest point of all: Getting rid of Trump means taking seriously “shit-life syndrome”—and its resulting misery, which includes suicide, drug overdose death, and trauma for surviving
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from Enemy In Sight!, by Stanley Rogers (published 1943). At the beginning of the war Great Britain possessed six aircraft carriers — Ark Royal, Courageous, Glorious,
Editor’s Note: Rolf Nelson, author of many great books, and friend of these pages, shares some thoughts. You can see more from Rolf here. In which Fountain Pens are like Reloading,
To maintain a proper perspective on today’s Fake News, it’s necessary to occasionally re-read yesterday’s: From the Guardian, February 22, 2004 A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by
For whatever reason, history has established that cultures and movements have a need for symbols. The obvious question of the day is: who defines the meaning of these symbols? As a Southron
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