Editor’s note: The following is contributed by our newest guest author, Ludus Rex. My father was a licensed marriage and family therapist during the 90s and 00s. Almost all of his colleagues
Government, like fire, has a natural tendency to grow. It wants to eat more and more – it has to eat more and more. It’s just the way of things. Our forefathers
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from Leaders in the Northern Church: Sermons Preached in the Diocese of Durham by the late Joseph Barber Lightfoot, Lord Bishop of Durham (published 1907). Like
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended, the darkness falls at thy behest; to thee our morning hymns ascended, thy praise shall sanctify our rest. We thank thee that thy Church, unsleeping
Need to excel in women’s sports? Find a man to do the job: Two years ago, Jonathan Eastwood “dominated” the men’s competition. In 2019, he’s dominating something else: the women’s field. Jonathan,
Editor’s note: The following comprises the fifth chapter, first part (A8), of The Gospel of Luke: An Exposition, by Charles R. Erdman (published 1936). All spelling in the original. 8. Pharisaism
Editor’s note: The following work by G. K. Chesterton was published in 1924. All spelling in the original. There is an image or fancy I have sometimes called up, and thought of
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