Editor’s Note: J.C. Ryle was spiritually awakened in 1838 while hearing Ephesians 2 read in church. He was ordained by Bishop Sumner at Winchester in 1842. For 38 years he was a
You can find Part 1 here. A Ram “Behind Him” “Abraham lifted his eyes and behold, a ram [behind him?] held in a thicket by its horns.” – Genesis 22:13 Usually, this
Editor’s Note: This is the first chapter of William the Conqueror, by Jacob Abbot (published 1877) I. Normandy One of those great events in English history, which occur at distant intervals, and
The authorities can’t figure out why a scumbag decided to shoot up a concert in Las Vegas. I know why. “No affiliation, no religion, no politics. He never cared about any of
It must grow tiresome to be so wrong so often: Those of my readers who want to see a fine example of this sort of blindness to [Climate Change] need only check
Editor’s Note: We offer a fantastic poem by a long time friend of MOTW, Jordan Aspen. You can read more about her and her work at her site. This poem comes from
Editor’s Note: We offer another great article from our friend, Heidi. You can read this, and other worthwhile thoughts, on her blog. How many times in the past year have you heard
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